The Action is governed by means of a Management Structure ruled by a Management Committee (MC). This is a group of researchers, nominated by the Cost National Coordinators, in charge of the coordination, implementation, and management of Action’s activities.
MC oversees appropriate allocation and use of Action funding with a view to achieving Action’s scientific and technological objectives.
Action Chair (AC) is the head of the MC and is responsible of the practical implementation of the activities programmed in the yearly work-plan.
Action Chair is supported in his work by a Core Group (CG) composed by the action Vice-chair, Workgroup Leaders, Industrial Advisory committee chair, Early Career Investigator committee chair as well as STSM Coordinator and Scientific Communication Manager.
Other Action management structures are:
Workgroup coordinators are in charge of promoting and organizing their workgroups initiatives in coordination with the leadership people (Action chair and Vice-chair).
STSM coordinators is responsible for the implementation of scientific mission programs.
The Science Communication Manager is responsible for the all dissemination and communication initiatives connected to the Action activities outcomes.
An Industrial Advisory Committee has been also established to help maximizing both participation of industrial people and dissemination of Action activities and results to the industry.
Finally, an Early Career Investigator and Gender-Balance Advisory Committee has been established with the purpose of ensuring the application of Action policies aimed at supporting young researchers career development and opportunities as well as the achievement of a reasonable gender balance in the governing bodies and in all the other Action initiatives.