The ECCO-MATE MC-ITN Project (, in collaboration with the SMARTCATs COST Action, organised an Early Stage Researcher Conference on “Recent outcomes on Marine and Automotive Combustion Research”, held in Sounion, Athens, Greece on the 8th of June 2017.
The conference intended to a create a discussion forum for ESR from academia and industry that work in the frame of the ECCO-MATE and SMARTCATS projects and gave them the opportunity to present their research results on marine and automotive engine combustion science and technology and particularly related to the following topics:
– Combustion chemistry of conventional and alternative fuels
– Droplets and spray atomization
– Combustion diagnostics in IC engines
– Emissions from IC engines
– New technology concepts – Waste heat recovery
– Life Cycle Assessment for marine and automotive engines
– Data mining methods for IC engines combustion and emissionsInvites as well as contributed talks and poster presentations exclusively by ESRs were given.
Scientific and Organisation Committee:
Prof. Maria Founti ()
Dr. George Skevis ()
A. Dimaratos AUTH ECCOMATE SMARTCATS Conference_A.Dimaratos_08062017 Dr. Ch. Chasos FREDERICK UNIVERSITY ECCOMATE SMARTCATS Conference_Ch.Chasos_08062017 D. Touloupis IMPERIAL ECCOMATE SMARTCATS Conference_D,Touloupis_08062017 Prof. F. Atzler CONTINENTAL ECCOMATE SMARTCATS Conference_F.Atzler_08062017 G. Seithe DNV GL ECCOMATE SMARTCATS Conference_G.Seithe_08062017 Dr. G. Skevis CPERI/CERTH ECCOMATE SMARTCATS Conference_G.Skevis_08062017 Dr. G. Vourliotakis NTUA/IMPERIAL ECCOMATE SMARTCATS Conference_G.Vourliotakis_08062017 Prof. M. Founti NTUA-HMCS ECCOMATE SMARTCATS Conference_M.Founti_08062017 R. Vihar LJUBLJANA UNIVERSITY ECCOMATE SMARTCATS Conference_R.Vihar_08062017 Z. Malliotakis NTUA-HMCS ECCOMATE SMARTCATS Conference_Z.Malliotakis_08062017 M. Najafabadi TUE ECCOMATE SMARTCATS Conference_M.Najafabadi_08062017 S. Lion RICARDO-DE ECCOMATE SMARTCATS Conference_S.Lion_08062017