The First Annual Meeting of the SMARTCATs COST Action took place, on August 26-28th, 2015, in the CERTH Conference Centre in Thessaloniki, Greece. Concurrently and as a natural complement to the SMARTCATs meeting a workshop on “Smart Energy Carriers for Power, Industry and Engines” has been also organized. The agendas of the two events have been strongly entangled to help maximize the effective exchange of ideas and respective requirements among industrial and academic participants. To this aim, in the first day of…
Find out more »The final program and the book of abstracts are now available. Last minute information can be found on the conference website. A document to be used as a starting point during the discussion "Data Exchange: towards a community standard", that will take place on Wednesday, is available here.
Find out more »The ECCO-MATE MC-ITN Project (, in collaboration with the SMARTCATs COST Action, organised an Early Stage Researcher Conference on “Recent outcomes on Marine and Automotive Combustion Research”, held in Sounion, Athens, Greece on the 8th of June 2017. The conference intended to a create a discussion forum for ESR from academia and industry that work in the frame of the ECCO-MATE and SMARTCATS projects and gave them the opportunity to present their research results on marine and automotive engine…
Find out more »International Bunsen Discussion Meeting on Chemistry and Diagnostics for Clean Combustion Center for Interdisciplinary Research Bielefeld 21 - 23 June 2017, Bielefeld, Germany Providing clean(er) energy is one of the grand societal challenges. Today more than 80% of the global primary energy for transportation and power generation involves fossil-fuel combustion, with a slowly increasing fraction of bio-derived fuels. Combustion of fossil fuels increases carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere and it leads to undesired pollutants, including especially…
Find out more »All photos here The 3rd Annual General Meeting of the Action will take place in Prague on 25-27 October, 2017. As it became a consolidated tradition of the Action, during the General Meetings a workshop on SECs in Industry will be also organized. The venue of the meeting will be the J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Prof. Zdeněk Zelinger, of the J. Heyrovský Institute will be responsible of the organization with the collaboration of Dr. Jiří…
Find out more »Forum on Smart Energy Carriers for Distributed Energy Production: Research and Innovation Technology Perspectives University of Belgrade, 22 - 23 March 2018 copyright 2018 Yuya Matsuo The primary aim of the SMARTCATs COST Action is to create a Europe-wide network of world leading academic and research institutions and key industries to promote the use of smart energy carriers on a large scale in order to increase fuel flexibility and carbon efficiency of energy production and to support distributed energy generation strategies. In…
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