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January 2018

2nd Task Force Meeting: Towards efficient data exchange

31 January 2018
Elite Hotel Ideon Lund, Sweden + Google Map
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March 2018

Forum on Smart Energy Carriers for Distributed Energy Production

22 March 2018 - 23 March 2018
University of Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, Kraljice Marije 16
Belgrade, 11120 Serbia
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 Forum on Smart Energy Carriers for Distributed Energy Production: Research and Innovation Technology Perspectives University of Belgrade,  22 -  23 March 2018 copyright 2018 Yuya Matsuo The primary aim of the SMARTCATs COST Action is to create a Europe-wide network of world leading academic and research institutions and key industries to promote the use of smart energy carriers on a large scale in order to increase fuel flexibility and carbon efficiency of energy production and to support distributed energy generation strategies. In…

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April 2018

Gas-phase Reaction Kinetics of Biofuels Oxygenated Molecules

23 April 2018 - 24 April 2018
Aula Rogers – POLIMI, Via Andrea Maria Ampère, 10
Milano, 20133 Italy
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The workshop on “Gas-phase reaction kinetics of biofuels oxygenated molecules” aims at providing an overview of the current research and the most recent advancements in the investigation of the oxygenated classes of molecules involved in biofuels conversion chemistry. It is organised in the context of the SMARTCATs WG1 and is also part of the IMPROOF project (https://improof.cerfacs.fr/), which has the ultimate target of designing next-generation steam cracking furnaces, able to drastically improve combustion efficiency, and cut the emissions of CO2 and pollutant species. A joint meeting between the…

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May 2018

15th CYSENI – Conference of Young Scientists on Energy Issues

23 May 2018 - 25 May 2018
Lithuanian Energy Institute, Breslaujos str. 3
kaunas, 44403 Lithuania
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Conference CYSENI 2018 aims at providing the possibilities to share ideas, present innovative research methods and the newest research results. As well it provides a platform for discussions about energy issues worldwide. A leaflet of the conference can be downloaded here: Ph. D. students, postdocs, master students and all other young scientists doing research on energy issues are welcome to the Conference as speakers and participants. Papers will be made available on the conference website . Selected papers of the Conference proceedings…

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July 2018

25th International Symposium on Gas Kinetics and Related Phenomena – GK18

22 July 2018 - 26 July 2018
Lille, France France + Google Map

The 25th International Symposium on Gas Kinetics and Related Phenomena will take place from 22nd- 26th July in Lille, France, in the Plenary hall of Hauts de France gouvernment. The conference traditionally provides an open forum for the presentation and discussion of the latest research on a wide range of topics related to gas-phase chemical kinetics.This has been expanded over recent years to cover all aspects of atmospheric and combustion chemistry, with heterogeneous systems involving micro- and nanoparticles getting an increasing…

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January 2019

First International Conference on Smart Energy Carriers

21 January 2019 - 23 January 2019
Centro Congressi Università Federico II, Napoli, Via Partenope, 36
Napoli, Napoli 80121 Italy
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Energy carriers are gaining a central role in the panorama of energy production systems as they can be considered a viable answer to environmental sustainability while accomplishing supply security issue. Coupled with advanced combustion technologies, they are synergistic twin strategies that can satisfy the requirements of geo-political and environmental sustainability and security.  A Smart Energy Carrier (SEC) identifies any molecule (derived from standard, alternative or unconventional sources) locally produced or made available to be safely and cleanly transformed into energy…

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Workshop on MILD combustion

24 January 2019 - 25 January 2019
Centro Congressi Università Federico II, Napoli, Via Partenope, 36
Napoli, Napoli 80121 Italy
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Workshop on MILD combustion: modelling challenges, experimental configurations and diagnostic tool MILD/flameless/colorless/distributed/… combustion regimes ensure very high combustion efficiencies with reduced soot, NOx and noise emissions, compared to conventional combustion regimes, due to the reduced temperature peaks and macro-scale homogeneity. MILD combustion has been implemented in some furnace-based applications; however, its application in power generation and manufacturing processes is hindered by the limited understanding of turbulence/chemistry/radiation interactions in this combustion regime. The complexity of MILD combustion is related to the…

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April 2019

Ammonia for Fueling Future Energy

13 April 2019 - 14 April 2019
Oceanário de Lisboa, Oceanário de Lisboa
lisbon, 1990-005 Portugal

Ammonia is a promising energy carrier from several points of view. It is carbon-free and can be burned directly in engines and furnaces. Alternatively, it can be thermally cracked to produce hydrogen. Ammonia (NH3) has a high H2 density, a significant energy density and can be produced on an industrial scale in a highly efficient process. Furthermore, it has an existing extensive distribution network and is easily stored by liquefaction at moderate pressure. There are significant challenges associated with the…

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May 2019

2nd QUADMARTS Network Workshop

20 May 2019 - 22 May 2019
LRGP, Nancy, France France + Google Map

QUADMARTS is an International Research Network based on new methods and applications for product determination in elementary reactions and photodissociation processes with applications at low and high temperatures for astrochemistry, atmospheric chemistry and combustion. In the last years, experimental devices as well as theoretical tools have been developed to quantitatively address the issue of product branching ratios under a large variety of physical conditions in the different scientific communities cited above. From an experimental point of view, quantitative information can…

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September 2019

Clean Air 2019-14th International Conference on Energy for a Clean Environment

8 September 2019 - 12 September 2019
Funchal, Madeira, Portugal

The conference will address topics such as reaction kinetics, pollutant formation and control, combustion diagnostics, computational methods, turbulent combustion, heterogeneous combustion, stationary combustion systems and environmental impact, engine, gas turbine and spray combustion, gasification, pyrolysis, CO2 capture processes, new combustion concepts, and fire research. Madeira, an autonomous region of Portugal,  is an archipelago situated in the north Atlantic Ocean, southwest of Portugal. The islands are distinguished by its botanic gardens, the wine and its warm subtropical climate.   Key Dates…

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