
Meetings to evaluate the progress of the Action

General meetings have been held during the four years of the Action, jointly with MC meetings, to evaluate the progress of the Action. To maximize the exchange with industrial participants a workshop on more applied aspects has been organized before each general meeting. Specific initiatives aimed at promoting networking among Action participants (in particular early career investigators) have been also organized during the annual meetings.

Proceedings (Book of Abstracts) and Special Issues describe the progress of the activities toward the fulfilment of Action aims

3rd Annual Meeting of the SMARTCATs COST Action

25  – 27 October 2017

J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Prague, Czech Republic

Book of Abstracts and Energy&Fuel Special Issue

2nd Annual Meeting of the SMARTCATs COST

November 14-16th, 2016

Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon,  Portugal.


Book of abstract and FUEL Special Issue

1st Annual Meeting of the SMARTCATs COST and Workshop on Smart Energy Carriers for Power, Industry and Engines

August 26-28th, 2015 CERTH Conference Centre in Thessaloniki, Greece


Young Researcher Mixer for Early Career Investigators was organized to favor the establishment of network initiative

Book of abstracts