COST Training School on the

Analysis of Combustion Mechanisms

4-7 July, 2016    Budapest, Hungary

COST CM1404 Training School on the

Analysis, uncertainty quantification, validation,

optimization and reduction of detailed combustion

mechanisms for practical use of smart energy carriers

Scope of the Training School

summer school

Analysis, uncertainty quantification, validation, optimization and reduction of detailed combustion mechanisms for practical use of
smart energy carriers

4-7 July, 2016,  Institute of Chemistry, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary

This Training School is a part of the COST Action CM1404 "SmartCats". The training school is open for everyone who is interested in the topics of the development and analysis of detailed combustion mechanisms.

List of registered trainees (final list of the 61 participating trainees)

Evaluation of the school by the trainees.

Selected photos taken during the week (94 photos zipped, 407 Mbyte)

Conference photos:

The Action’s Training Schools provide intensive training in emerging research topics. Participants are mainly, but not exclusively, PhD students and Early-Career Investigators (i.e., researchers who received their PhD no more than 8 years ago) involved in COST Actions.

The Grant administrative and financial issues were handled by the SMARTCATs Grant Holder, that is the Institute for Research on Combustion (IRC - CNR).

Requests for clarifications can be addressed to the Action Chair Mara de Joannon () or to the Grant Holder Manager Antonella Napolitano ([email protected]).




The lecturers and practical session holders

  • Tamás Turányi (ELTE)
  • Alison S. Tomlin (Leeds University)
  • Dimitris Goussis (NTUA)
  • György Lendvay (HAS RCNS)
  • Tibor Nagy (HAS RCNS)
  • István Gy. Zsély (ELTE)
  • Attila G. Császár (ELTE)
  • Carsten Olm (ELTE)
  • Éva Valkó (ELTE)
  • Tamás Varga (ELTE)



Budapest, Hungary (Photo: Tibor Mester)

The lectures and computer practices will be held in room 065 of the Institute of Chemistry,  Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE).

Address: 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A, Hungary

Main topics

Hungarian Section

The COST Training School on the Analysis of Combustion Mechanisms is hosted by the Hungarian Section of the
Combustion Institute

Hungarian Section

Recommended readings

Tamás Turányi and Alison S. Tomlin:
Analysis of kinetic reaction mechanisms
Springer, 2014
with 1025 references

Springer book

F. Battin-Leclerc, J. Simmie, E. Blurock (eds.):
Cleaner combustion:
Developing detailed chemical kinetic models
Springer, 2013